Projection to build a route of 80 kilometers to connect the ends of Lago Rupanco


Projection to build a route of 80 kilometers to connect the ends of Lago Rupanco.

The following is an unauthorized translation of EL AUSTRAL DE OSORNO     Sábado 27 de mayo 2017 p.4      “Current Interest” section               

“We are very happy with the means of informing us of any harm to the environment”

–  Jorge Pasminio,  of Seremi de environmental health              re:  “Expo Nuevo Aire”

Currently the initiative is in the pre-feasibility phase, where they intend to define the route, the investment and the areas that must be appropriated.


[original proposal written in spanish by:]

Verónica Salgado



  • Materials – the study must determine what type of asphalt or pavement will be used.
  • Size – Initially the study will define the total width of the roads/ sidewalk/ bicycle path.


$ 290 million [pesos] for pre-feasibility studies of the Rupanco Lake route project.

The results of the study will be delivered in December and will present the costs and overview.

June 7th [2017] will be the meeting with representatives of indigenous communities, starting at 9.30 in the Municipality of Osorno.


Building a route of 80 kilometers to connect the ends of Lake Rupanco [north] is what MOP is looking to establish in order to generate tourism, along with improving the road connection of dozens of families living in the areas.

The initiative is currently in the stage of pre-feasibility studies, which will define the route where the road will go along the north bank of the lake, the investment required to implement the project, as well as identifying where lands must be appropriated, among other details.

Consultora Citre is in charge of this analysis and it must be completed in December of [2017]. It has a budget of $ 290 million [pesos] delivered by the MOP and aims to specify the technical and financial aspects of the projected road.

At the moment Rupanco Lake is [well] connected only on the south bank, in the comuna of Puerto Octay, by way of a gravel road that permits access across the zone to locations like Pellinada, Piedras Negra, Islote, El Poncho, among others.

On the opposite shore, meanwhile, there is a gravel path that reaches Puerto Chalupa on the side of the commune of Puyehue.


Carlos Contreras, seremi de obras publicas says the pre-feasibility study is necessary to start the process of developing the new road that will be connected to Interlagos route, which aims to unite the lakes districts of the regions of La Araucania, Los Rios and Los Lagos.

The project is called Construcción Circunvalación lago Rupanco, Los Lagos Region, and seeks to replicate what has been completed elsewhere, for example, in Lake Ranco in the neighboring Region of Los Rios. The idea is to be able to cruise around the entire lake.

“The pre-feasibility seeks the best technical characteristics, projections where to specify the layout and projections of what could be the eventual costs. This road to be built will have a high impact of connectivity for the area and greatly enhance tourism,” explained the regional authority.

He added that the idea is that the road is as close to the lake as possible in order to generate access to beaches, lookouts, hiking paths and cycling paths. Currently, they are in the last phase of the study associated with consultation of indigenous communities about the plan.

“We would like that when designing the road we had characteristics similar to the route to Ensenada, but we have to see the [benefits] of the project in order to be certain of details, we hope that we will be able to carry out works in parallel with the engineering design, which would be faster to have the route specified [before starting]”, detailed Contreras.

To be able to specify the route, there are several lands that must be appropriated or remain adjacent to the road, some of which may belong to indigenous communities.

For the same reason, next Wednesday, June 7 from 9:30 a “Council of The Mapuche communities of Puerto Octay” will be held in the session hall of the municipality of Osorno and the invitation is made through notices in the local press.


To establish these road initiatives around the lake shores are to improve general connectivity, but primarily to enhance the turistic and [local] social functions of the generated routes.

The mayor of Puyehue, Maria Jimena Nuñez, was pleased with the news because she said it is very positive for both comunas [on both sides of the lake] because it will boost tourism [throughout]. “It’s wonderful news, we had two exhibitions about the Rupanco lake bypass project and it looks very interesting, the only thing I wait for is the funds,” said the village head.

She emphasized that for the sector where the new road will be created has a beautiful landscape with native forests, multicolored waters and even a zone of hot springs.

“We can start working with local people already to develop the tourism potential, because that area and all of Puyehue is huge and this will benefit many people.” she recognized.

Carlos Aedo. provincial director of Sernatur, pointed out that this type of route always contributes to natural and beautiful areas of wonderful landscapes associated with the various lakes that make up the territory.

“We have experiences of tourist undertakings developed in Lake Rupanco that will be more attractive for the future route, and these investments made by the State are with a view of future fundamental development for the Region,” the provincial director explained.

We were unable to contact the mayor of Puerto Octay, Maria Elena Ojeda before closing this article.


Rupanco, Puyehue, Parasio, chalupa, Entre Lagos, Ñilque, Encanto, Santa, Elvira, Pulalfú, Arrayanes, Cuz, Las Vegas, Vegas, Gaviotas, Lago, Lake, Laguna, Los Lagos, Chile, Los Ríos, Chile
Rupanco, Puyehue, Parasio, chalupa, Entre Lagos, Ñilque, Encanto, Santa, Elvira, Pulalfú, Arrayanes, Cuz, Las Vegas, Vegas, Gaviotas, Lago, Lake, Laguna

Rupanco norte – comuna de Puyehue

Puerto Octay, Rupanco, El Desague, Pichi-rio negro, Chacay, Pellinada, Puntilla, Kemp, Piedras Negras, Islote, Puerto, El Buey, Puerto Rico, Gaviotas

Rupanco sur – comuna de Puerto Octay

Rupanco, Puyehue, Parasio, chalupa, Entre Lagos, Ñilque, Encanto, Santa, Elvira, Pulalfú, Arrayanes, Cuz, Las Vegas, Vegas, Gaviotas, Lago, Lake, Laguna, Los Lagos, Chile, Los Ríos, Chile


Puerto Octay, Rupanco, El Desague, Pichi-rio negro, Chacay, Pellinada, Puntilla, Kemp, Piedras Negras, Islote, Puerto, El Buey, Puerto Rico, Gaviotas, Los Lagos, Chile

rupanco, las vegas, santa, elvira, gaviotas, chile, lagos